Thursday,26 November 2009 | |
Exhibition of Belarusian artists “Art Against Dictatorship” is being held these days in Washington. Grand opening took place on November, 23 at the entrance hall of the House of Representatives, in the Rayburn office building. |

Friday, 13 November 2009 | |
On November 6, two exhibitions of Belarusian artists – “Abjareg” (averter) by Yahor Batalyonak and “Mae mary” (my dreams) by Aliaksei Marachkin – have opened in a public hall “Polatsak” in Strongsville, Ohio, not far from Cleveland.

Thursday, 12 November 2009 | |
A travelling exhibition “Art against Dictatorship” took place from October, 29 to November, 5 in the city hall of the capital of Norway Oslo. The exhibition includes 32 works by 11 Belarusian artists who live in Belarus or the USA:

Thursday, 05 November 2009 | |
On October 25th, Belarusian Museum in New York featured the exhibition of Yahor Batalyonak’s paintings entitled "Abjareg". Twenty six artworks which the artist has brought from his native land were presented to about fifty guests at the public hall of St. Cyril Turau Cathedral in Brooklyn. |

Friday, 28 August 2009 | |
On August 23rd 2009, an art exhibition of Serge Arden entitled "Photo Still Life" was held at the public hall of St Cyril Turau Cathedral, located at 401 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn.Visitors enjoyed an exhibition consisting of 14 photo art works and 5 paintings.

Friday, 17 July 2009 | |
On June 7, 2009, The Belarus Museum in Brooklyn hosted an opening reception of the exhibition ”Dreams and Reflections” of the Belarusian artist Yelena Tylkina. This retrospective contained a dramatic and colorful presentation of 34 works, including watercolor still lifes, pastel interiors, surrealistic acrylic paintings, and ink and pencil fantasy drawings from 1979 to 2009. |

Monday, 13 April 2009 | |
The exhibition “Art against Dictatorship” continues to travel to museums across the USA. We would remind you that the exhibition has been displayed in the Estonian parliament in Tallinn, at the headquarters of the German Marshall Fund of the United States in Washington D.C. and Belarusian Museum of New York earlier. |

Wednesday, 18 February 2009 | |
On February 12, "Art against dictatorship" exhibition of Belarusan dissidents' art was opened at the headquarters of the German Marshall Fund of the United States. There was also a discussion on the current situation in Belarus with Belarusan Diaspora members, Belarusan artists, representatives of diplomatic missions accredited in Washington , U.S. governmental officials and NGOs' representatives.

Saturday, 21 February 2009 | |
On February, 15 Belarusan Museum of New York (St.Cyril of Turau Cathedral, Brooklyn NY) opened Ales Marachkin's personal exhibition "My Dreams". It was a pretty busy week for the head of the union of Belarusans of the world "Batskaushchyna" (Fatherland) and one of the founders of the art society "Pahonia" (Chaser) Ales Marachkin.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009 | |
On January 18, 2009 the Belarusian Museum in New York hosted Ales Shaternik’s personal art exhibition “The Sun Cross”. Ales Shaternik is a famous Belarusian sculptor and artist. The exhibition also gives you an opportunity to get acquainted with his first poems. The fact that an artist has started to write poems proves that he is in constant development.