Thursday, 14 June 2007

On June 3rd Belarusan Museum of New York opened a personal exhibition of a famous Belarusan artist Mikola Kupava in the public hall of St. Cyril of Turau Cathedral. The leader of the Belarusan Popular Front Zianon Pazniak and leader of Belarusan Institute of Science and Art Vitaut Kipel spoke to the visitors of the exhibition.

They spoke about history of art development both in Belarus and in Belarusan Diasporas abroad, greeted the artist upon the opening of his exhibition, and presented gifts to the artist. After the latter ceremonies, the artist took a lead in presenting his artwork. Mikalay Saganovich officially presented the gift to the artist on behalf of the Belarusan immigrants. The official opening procedure was completed by Siarzhyk Sokalay-Vojush, who in his turn also greeted the artist and sang the song of Belarusan rebirth.

Mikola Kupava is the artist with distinct domination of nationalistic themes in his artwork. Through his extensive creativity, the artist embeds the brightest and most influential individuals in Belarusan history and culture. It was Mikola Kupava who created the images of the Great Polatsk Duke Vseslav the Sorcerer, Duchess Ragneda, Duke Iziaslay, Saint Efrasinnia (Euphrasinne) of Polatsk, and Cyril of Turau. The artists' genius extends as far as the portrayal of Great Dukes of the Great Duchy of Lithuania, Belarusan war leaders, and, most profoundly, Belarus-independence-fighters Kastus Kalinouski and Tadeush Kasciushka. However, the artist spends the most amount of time on portrayal of brightest Belarusan authors Yakub Kolas and Yanka Kupala, who have been inspiring the artist since 1980. As a result, the public has portraits of the geniuses of Belarusan literature, the views of the countryside of Minsk, Vilnia, and Pinsk, the dearest places of the authors. The illustrations to the literature works of Kupala and Kolas is the merit of the artist. All artist's works are united by a common prevailing theme of Belarusan national idea.

Even though the exhibition is dedicated to the anniversaries of the brightest authors of the Belarusan land Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas, Mikola Kupava also displays the images of Belarusan enlighteners Saint Efrasinnia (Euphrasinne) of Polatsk, Cyril of Turau, and Francysk Skaryna.

Mikola Kupava precisely knows and uses numerous artistic techniques. The exhibition "Persons of Belarusan Land" became a first of a kind Belarusan-American cultural event, dedicated to the anniversaries of Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas, which took place on the American Continent.

Up till now Mikola Kupava has been displayed for more than 70 times in national, personal, or international exhibitions. The Works of the artist are displayed at National Art Museum of Belarus, Belarusan State Museum of Great Patriotic War, State Literature Museum of Yanka Kupala, State Literature-Memorial Museum of Yakub Kolas, Minsk Regional Museum in maladechna, Musem of History and Culture of Arshanschina, Museum-National Park "Zaslaye".

This is the second exhibition of the artist in New York powered by the Belarusan Museum. On behalf of the Museum's administration as well as the St. Cyril of Turau Catedral parishioners, who kindly provided the space for the exhibition, we kindheartedly invite you to attend the exhibition in the public hall of St. Cyril of Turau Cathedral. The exhibition will take place till July.

FaLang translation system by Faboba